• The Newsletter Portal •
The newsletter economy's email newsletter.

Reports, updates, and tips coming to you every two weeks. Also, puppies 🐶.
MailJet: It is easy to get lost in the dense forest of statistics as your email marketing strategy grows. A thorough audit provides you with the sharp edges you need to develop an effective email campaign. Mailjet recommends using a checklist to systematically remove weeds and learn some valuable insights while you're at it.
BetterMarketing: Although images are significant components of your article, the headline is far more critical. Depending on your headline, your article will either convince them to read it or not. These five tips from the "Father of Advertising," David Ogilvy, will help you write compelling headlines.
Forbes: With more than 4 billion people using email, email newsletters are a great way to keep in touch with your subscribers and remain relevant to them. As such, John Turner, founder of SeedProd, has brought you some tips to help you improve your email newsletter this year. 
PracticalEcommerce: In the creator economy, newsletters are popular. However, creators must promote their work regardless of how compelling the content is to attract subscribers. To help you in this adventure, we bring you some ways you can promote your paid newsletter. 
BetterMarketing: Megan McClintock, freelance writer, and editor, has prepared this list of the most common mistakes she has seen throughout her years as an editor. Look them over to see if you have committed any of these errors and learn how to correct them.
Emteaches: Are you struggling to write attractive email subject lines to accelerate your open rate? Then, this mini blog post is for you.
Spring has officially arrived!

To celebrate this springtime, we bring you a cavadoodle as the pupper of the week. Cavadoodles are hypoallergenic and very very outgoing and smart!

If you want your beautiful furry friend to be this week's pupper, tweet us a photo of him/ her, and don't forget to @ us! We are DYING to meet them!! 
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