• The Newsletter Portal •
The newsletter economy's email newsletter.

Reports, updates, and tips coming to you every two weeks. Also, puppies 🐶.
Paved: Creating content is hard. That's why these 4 companies built powerful AI tools to help creators write, design, and build email marketing newsletters.
Email Design: Whether you're sending emails to your team or an external audience, here are some diversity and inclusion best practices.
ClearVoice: Email newsletters can keep audiences engaged and on track to conversions. Learn the email newsletter best practices every marketer should know.
BetterMarketing: ConvertKit has just introduced a game-changing new feature for newsletter owners and here's everything you need to know about it.
Homelight: The days of boring, bad email newsletters are over. If you want to get your message across in a way that makes your readers' brains say "YES!" then you need to make sure your newsletter is clear and well-written. On this matter, Matt McGee, host of The Walkthrough podcast, shares five mistakes you might be making in your newsletter that you can fix to make it a more appealing one to your database.
Rasa.io: A curated newsletter can maximize the value of your email list for businesses, associations, nonprofits, agencies, and freelancers. That's why Rasa has create this guide on how to create successful curated newsletters that keep your audience engaged with your relevant content.
If you're a 90s kid, these gentle giants need no introduction!

St. Bernard's are associated with rescuing people in the Alps with a barrel of brandy around its neck. Believe it or not, this is not so far from the truth as they get their name from the hospice at the St. Bernards Great Pass who kept this dogs for rescue missions in the Alps. Of course, none of them actually carried brandy.

If you want your beautiful furry friend to be this week's pupper, tweet us a photo of him/ her, and don't forget to @ us! We are DYING to meet them!! 
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